Pool Screen Enclosure Cables – What You Should Know

Safety may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you’re looking at pool screen enclosure cables, but they’re a necessity for stability. Those bolts you see all across the bottom that anchor your cage into the concrete slab are called T-bolts and they’re just as important. Maintaining both can help ensure your pool screen enclosure doesn’t collapse on you the next time a flash storm or hurricane passes through!

The Steel Spine of Safety and Longevity

pool screen enclosure cable

In a way, you can look at the pool enclosure as the ribcage, and having screen enclosure cables in the correct places makes sure to keep it together. While usually made up of materials such as stainless steel, these cables are an integral component to the structure. Meanwhile they are made to withstand the natural elements—wind, rain and yes even storm. With these flexible cables, the pool screen enclosure has the ability wobble a little bit in a stiff wind yet not be allowed to get to the breaking point and collapse.

Get in the habit of checking your cables once a month. They’re fairly simple to tighten is they’re loose and you don’t have an issue with getting on a ladder. There’s a bolt system at the top of the cable and you can just tighten it down. There will be times however where the plate itself will need to me moved if simply using the bolt system isn’t enough.

You don’t want to make them super tight as they can snap when the winds kick up. You want there to be a little bit of play in them, so think firm but not rigid. This allows the pool enclosure to sway a tiny bit and the cable to be able to act as resistance and bring it back. You won’t even notice this with the naked eye, it’s very subtle. Of course, we can always inspect them for you so you know they’re properly adjusted.

T-bolts may look tiny on an overall scale, but they are important pieces when it comes to keeping the enclosure on the ground. These bolts secure the metal components in place and ensure that the base doesn’t get lifted off of the concrete slab. In the same way that ligaments link our bones together, T-bolts bind and interlock your pool enclosure’s structural features for steadiness as well as durability.

Make it a habit to walk the perimeter of your pool screen enclosure looking for rusted bolts or lose metal around the base. If you see rust, gently kick the metal at the base and see if it’s loose. If it is, it’s time to get a new bolt installed.

Keepers of the Elements

That cable, along with T-bolts really show their worth when the weather changes. When the wind kicks up a notch, those panels can turn into literal sails that push back against their frame. The cables are the thing that helps in anchoring structure. The tension in these cables can be controlled to allow them offer up some give when wind forces push against the bracing, preventing the force from breaking it and acting as a dynamic buffer system pushing back. This lets the enclosure stay in place.

T-bolts — well, they keep every panel where it belongs. They are the stalwart troopers, protecting that line from mere wind. T-bolts keep the bottom of the enclosure secure by locking the panels firmly into place on a frame.

Maintenance Saves Your Investment

Taking care of these components is the same as nurturing your own health. We all go to the doctor for check-ups, and regular examinations of pool enclosure cables (and T-bolts), too are very important. As time goes on, cables wear and bolts slip. It’s all part of ageing, but if left un-treated can cause a major problem during the next storm. These pieces should be checked for damage or wear every 4-6 months by the homeowner so they can either have them adjusted or just outright replaced.

While most people want as few visible parts on a pool enclosure as possible, these cables and T-bolts are important. They are the silent guards that allow your enclosure to still be standing after a storm is over.

Homeowners who take simple steps to maintain their pool enclosures will enjoy fewer problems as time goes on than ones who wait till that storms approaching!

For more on screen repair, have a look at 4 things you should know here

Pool Enclosure Screen Repair – 4 Things To Know

There’s 4 things about Central Florida that you just can’t avoid. It’s hot, it can get windy, there’s a lot of bugs and at some point you’re going to need a pool enclosure screen repair.

Many residents have pools and only a handful are brave enough to not have a pool enclosure over the top of them. Those who don’t have a pool, often times have some sort of screened in porch to allow them to sit outside without getting eaten by mosquitoes. Unfortunately, just like almost everything, there is a shelf life on how long those screens are going to last before holes start showing up.

Depending on direct sunlight, you can expect to get 10-15 years out of your screen before you’re going to have to look at replacing them. A good way to tell is by color believe it or not. If you’re starting to see silver where it was once a dark charcoal color, then you know you’re getting close to needing a screen repair.

Repairing a pool enclsoure screen

When the pool screen begins to lose it’s color, it becomes brittle. If you have trees over your pool enclosure, anything that may drop out of them can create a hole. Many have stepped outside and found animals such as a squirrel running around only to look up and see they fell through a top panel.

As much as people value their landscapers, because who really likes doing yard work in 100 degree weather, without fail, they’re going to take out a bottom panel here and there around the pool. Often time you don’t even notice this because of where the weed eater hits the screen.

The metal 1×2 at the bottom does a pretty good job of hiding these holes if looking from the inside, so it’s always a good idea to walk around the outside of your enclosure for inspection. Look at the very bottom where the metal meets the bottom of the screen and you’ll see a very clean cut. Often times, especially if the screen is newer, you may not even see it unless you push on it.

Your pool enclosure doors are another place to check, especially by the handle. So often residents will reach out for the handle and catch a bit of the screen in the process. This can cause a fine tear right along the area where the spline attaches the screen to the door. You may not even notice it, but the bugs will.

As the screens get older, wind can also create these fine tears in the pool enclosure screen along the top and side panels. Again, you may not even notice it if the wind isn’t blowing as the tear is so perfect, it just looks like the panel is in place. Make a habit of running your hand along the vertical sides of the side panels once a month to check and see if there’s any tears. You can also step outside when the wind is blowing decently and you’ll know if you have a tear somewhere.

While pool enclosures are a gift that save us from the bugs here in Central Florida, they’re only as good as the screen you put in them. Yes, all screen works at first but how long it’s going to work for is another thing. Quality materials are must to get the proper time frame out of your screen. Yes, there’s always “cheaper” materials, but this is one place that you truly get what you pay for. We use only Phifer materials as they have been the best in the industry for over 70 years.

Cheap screen has less than half the amount of shelf life up against the elements we have in Central Florida compared to quality materials. In the summertime, we can get spot storms that can easily produce 50 mph winds. With inferior materials, this is more than enough to cause tears. You may have paid less at first, but you’ll wind up paying more when you have to have the job done twice.

Pool screen replacement is just part of life here in Florida, but if you keep up with inspecting your screens and use quality materials, you’ll enjoy the protection from the bugs for a long time.

For more information, have a look at Understanding the cost of installing a pool screen enclosure here

Understanding the Costs of Installing a Pool Screen Enclosure

If you’re considering installing a pool screen enclosure, one of the first questions you’re likely to have is, “How much will it cost?” The answer to that question depends on several factors, including the size of your pool, the type of enclosure you want, and the specific features you’re looking for. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the costs associated with pool screen enclosures.

What is a Pool Screen Enclosure?

A pool screen enclosure is a structure that surrounds your pool and provides several benefits, including:

  • Keeping out insects and debris
  • Providing shade and blocking harmful UV rays
  • Reducing pool maintenance
  • Increasing the value of your home
  • Types of Pool Screen Enclosures

There are several types of pool screen enclosures available, including:

  • Full Enclosures – These enclosures surround entirely your pool and typically feature a solid roof and screened walls. Full enclosures offer the most protection from insects, debris, and elements.
  • Partial Enclosures – These enclosures cover a portion of your pool area, such as a patio or deck. They are typically less expensive than complete enclosures but offer less protection.
  • Retractable Enclosures – These enclosures feature screens that can be retracted when not in use. They offer the convenience of an open-air pool but with the added protection of screens.

Cost Factors for Pool Screen Enclosures

The cost of a pool screen enclosure will vary depending on several factors, including:

  • Size – The more extensive your pool area, the more materials and labor will be required to install the enclosure.
  • Type – As mentioned, complete enclosures are typically more expensive than partial or retractable enclosures.
  • Materials – The type of materials used for your enclosure will impact the overall cost. For example, aluminum is a popular material for pool screen enclosures and is generally more expensive than PVC.
  • Features – Additional features like lighting, fans, or privacy screens can increase the overall cost of your enclosure.

Average Cost of a Pool Screen Enclosure

According to HomeAdvisor, the average cost of a pool screen enclosure is around $8,200. However, the cost can range from $3,000 to $15,000 or more, depending on the factors listed above.

It’s important to note that installation costs are typically separate from the cost of the enclosure itself. You’ll need to factor in the cost of labor, permits, and any necessary equipment rentals.

Final Thoughts

Installing a pool screen enclosure is a great way to increase the usability and value of your pool area. While the cost can vary depending on several factors, it’s important to remember that the benefits of an enclosure can outweigh the initial investment. Research and work with a reputable contractor to ensure your pool screen enclosure is installed correctly and to your satisfaction.

Swim in Style: A Guide to the Best Types of Pool Screen Enclosures

A pool screen enclosure is a popular addition to many outdoor pool areas, as it provides various benefits, including increased privacy, protection from insects and debris, and reduced pool maintenance. Several types of pool screen enclosures are available, each with its unique features and benefits.

Traditional Screen Enclosures:

These are the most common type of pool screen enclosure, typically constructed with aluminum frames and fiberglass or polyester mesh screens. They can be customized to fit any size or shape of pool, and they are relatively affordable and easy to install. They provide excellent protection from bugs, leaves, and other debris while allowing plenty of natural light and airflow.

Dome Enclosures:

Dome enclosures are similar to traditional screen enclosures, but they are designed with a curved or domed roof that provides additional height and a more open feel. They can be constructed with aluminum frames and a variety of different screen materials, including mesh, polycarbonate, or glass. Dome enclosures are particularly popular in areas with high wind or rain, as the curved roof helps to distribute the force of the weather evenly.

Retractable Enclosures:

Retractable enclosures are an excellent option for homeowners who want the flexibility of an open-air pool area during the summer months but still want the protection and privacy of a screen enclosure when the weather is cooler or wetter. Retractable enclosures can be opened or closed using a motorized system, allowing you to adjust the amount of coverage as needed easily.

Sunroom Enclosures:

Sunroom enclosures are a more permanent and fully enclosed option for pool areas. They are typically constructed with aluminum frames and insulated glass panels, providing superior protection from the elements and better energy efficiency. Sunroom enclosures can be customized with a variety of features, including heating and cooling systems, skylights, and more.

When choosing a pool screen enclosure, there are several factors to consider, including your budget, the size and shape of your pool area, your climate and weather patterns, and your personal preferences and style. Work with a reputable contractor or installer to help you choose the best type of enclosure for your specific needs, and make sure to ask plenty of questions and do your research to ensure you are getting a high-quality product that will last for many years to come.

Poolside Screen Repair Inc specializes in top-quality screen repair services for your pool area. Our experienced professionals use the latest tools and techniques to repair, replace, and maintain screens for pools, patios, and lanais. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail, fast turnaround times, and exceptional customer service. Contact us today to keep your outdoor space free from unwanted pests and debris.

Can Your Pool Screen Enclosure Handle Extreme Weather? What You Need to Know

Pool screen enclosures are designed to provide a comfortable and functional outdoor living space for homeowners. However, they are often subjected to various weather conditions, including extreme winds, heavy rain, and even hailstorms. This raises the question: can a pool screen enclosure withstand extreme weather conditions?

The short answer is yes, a pool screen enclosure can withstand extreme weather conditions if it is properly constructed and maintained. However, the specific level of durability and resilience will depend on a number of factors, including the materials used, the design of the enclosure, and the severity of the weather conditions.

The screens used in a pool screen enclosure also play an important role in determining its ability to withstand extreme weather conditions. Fiberglass screens are typically robust and more durable than polyester screens, although they are also more expensive. In addition to the strength and durability of the screen material, the tension of the screen is also essential. A correctly tensioned screen will be less likely to tear or become damaged in high winds.

The design of the pool screen enclosure is also an important consideration. The height of the enclosure, the pitch of the roof, and the orientation of the structure can all affect its ability to withstand extreme weather conditions. A low-profile enclosure may be more vulnerable to high winds, while a steeply pitched roof may be more prone to damage from heavy snow or ice buildup. Additionally, an enclosure that is facing directly into prevailing winds may be more likely to sustain damage than one that is oriented perpendicular to the wind direction.

One of the most essential factors in determining the ability of a pool screen enclosure to withstand extreme weather conditions is the frame material. Aluminum is a popular choice for pool screen enclosures because it is lightweight, strong, and resistant to rust and corrosion. Steel is another option, but it is heavier and more prone to rusting if not properly coated. Regardless of the material chosen, the frame must be adequately anchored to the ground or foundation to prevent it from being lifted or damaged by high winds.

Proper maintenance is also key to ensuring the durability and resilience of a pool screen enclosure. Regular cleaning and inspection of the frame and screens can help to identify and address any potential issues before they become serious problems. Additionally, any repairs or replacement of damaged or worn components should be done promptly to ensure the enclosure is fully functional and able to withstand extreme weather conditions.

In an extreme weather event, such as a hurricane or tornado, it is crucial to take appropriate precautions to protect the pool screen enclosure. This may include removing loose objects from the surrounding area, securing any furniture or other items inside the enclosure, and possibly even removing the screens to prevent them from becoming damaged. Homeowners should also be aware of any local regulations or building codes that may require additional measures to be taken in the event of extreme weather.

So here’s the deal, pool screen enclosure can withstand extreme weather conditions if it is properly constructed, maintained, and protected. The frame material, screen material, design, and maintenance all play essential roles in determining the durability and resilience of the enclosure. Homeowners should consult with a professional builder and follow best practices to ensure their pool screen enclosure can withstand any weather conditions that may arise.

Poolside Screen Repair Inc specializes in top-quality screen repair services for your pool area. Our experienced professionals use the latest tools and techniques to repair, replace, and maintain screens for pools, patios, and lanais. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail, fast turnaround times, and exceptional customer service. Contact us today to keep your outdoor space free from unwanted pests and debris.

Understanding the Materials Used in Building Pool Screen Enclosures

Pool screen enclosures are a popular addition to residential properties that have swimming pools. These structures provide a number of benefits, including keeping insects and debris out of the pool area, providing shade and reducing sun exposure, and creating a more comfortable outdoor living space. If you are considering building a pool screen enclosure, it is essential to understand the materials commonly used to construct these structures.

The frame of a pool screen enclosure is typically made of either aluminum or steel. Aluminum is a popular choice because it is lightweight, durable, and resistant to rust and corrosion. It is also easy to work with and can be painted to match the color of your home. Steel is another option, although it is heavier and more prone to rusting if it is not properly coated. However, steel is a better choice if you want a more affordable option, as it is less expensive than aluminum.

The screens themselves are typically made of either fiberglass or polyester. Fiberglass screens are made by weaving together thin strands of glass fiber, which are then coated with a protective layer to help prevent them from becoming damaged or degraded over time. These screens are strong, durable, and resistant to most types of weather, including heavy rain and wind. They are also relatively easy to clean and maintain, and they can be replaced if they become damaged or worn out.

Polyester screens are made by weaving together strands of polyester fiber, which are then coated with a layer of PVC to help make them more durable and weather-resistant. These screens are typically more affordable than fiberglass screens, and they are often used in areas where insects are less of a problem. However, they may not be as strong or durable as fiberglass screens, and they may be more prone to tearing or becoming damaged over time.

In addition to the frame and screens, a number of other materials may be used in constructing a pool screen enclosure. For example, the roof may be made of polycarbonate panels, which are lightweight, durable, and resistant to UV rays. These panels can help to provide shade and reduce the amount of sunlight that enters the pool area, which can help to keep the water cooler and reduce the risk of sunburn.

The supports and connectors used to hold the frame and screens in place may be made of various materials, including plastic, aluminum, or steel. Plastic connectors are often used because they are lightweight and affordable, but they may not be as durable as metal connectors. Aluminum and steel connectors are both strong and durable, but they may be more expensive than plastic connectors.

Finally, there are some optional features that you may want to consider when building a pool screen enclosure. For example, you may want to include a door or gate to provide easy access to the pool area. These doors and gates can be made of the same materials as the frame and screens, and they can be designed to match the style and color of your home. You may also want to consider adding lighting or fans to the enclosure, which can help to make the space more comfortable and usable.

So now that you know, building a pool screen enclosure requires careful consideration of the materials used in its construction. The frame and screens are the most important components, and they are typically made of aluminum or steel and fiberglass or polyester, respectively. Other materials, such as polycarbonate panels, connectors, and optional features like doors and lighting, may also be used. By choosing suitable materials for your needs and budget, you can create a pool screen enclosure that will provide you with years of enjoyment and protection from the elements.

Poolside Screen Repair Inc specializes in top-quality screen repair services for your pool area. Our experienced professionals use the latest tools and techniques to repair, replace, and maintain screens for pools, patios, and lanais. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail, fast turnaround times, and exceptional customer service. Contact us today to keep your outdoor space free from unwanted pests and debris.

Protecting Your Pool Area: Understanding the Longevity of Screen Enclosures

If you own a swimming pool, you might consider installing a screen enclosure to keep your pool area free of bugs, debris, and other unwanted visitors. However, before making such an investment, it’s essential to know how long a pool screen enclosure typically lasts. In this post, we’ll explore the factors that affect the lifespan of a pool screen enclosure, as well as how to maintain and repair it.

Factors That Affect the Lifespan of a Pool Screen Enclosure

The lifespan of a pool screen enclosure can vary depending on several factors. Here are some of the most important ones:


The climate in which the screen enclosure is installed can also affect its lifespan. If you live in an area with harsh weather conditions such as heavy rain, wind, or hail, your screen enclosure may deteriorate more quickly.


The material used to make the screen enclosure plays a significant role in how long it lasts. Typically, aluminum frames and fiberglass screens are the most durable options, while steel frames and nylon screens may not last as long.


Regular maintenance can help prolong the lifespan of your screen enclosure. Cleaning the screens and frame regularly and repairing any damage promptly can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems.

How Long Does a Pool Screen Enclosure Last?

A properly maintained pool screen enclosure can last anywhere from 10 to 30 years. The lifespan of your screen enclosure will depend on the factors mentioned above, as well as how frequently it is used and how well it is maintained.

How to Maintain and Repair a Pool Screen Enclosure

To extend the lifespan of your pool screen enclosure, you should perform regular maintenance tasks such as cleaning the screens and frame with mild soap and water, inspecting the enclosure for any signs of damage, and repairing any tears or holes in the screens. If you notice any significant damage, it’s best to call a professional for repair or replacement.

In addition to regular maintenance, there are a few things you can do to help protect your screen enclosure from damage:

  • Trim any trees or shrubs that are too close to the enclosure to prevent them from rubbing against the screens and causing tears.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or power washers to clean the screens, as these can damage the material.
  • Consider adding a protective coating to the frame to help prevent rust or corrosion.

A pool screen enclosure can be a valuable investment for any pool owner, but it’s essential to understand how long it will last and how to maintain it properly. By considering the factors that affect the lifespan of a screen enclosure and following the maintenance tips outlined in this post, you can help ensure that your pool area remains bug-free and debris-free for years to come.

Poolside Screen Repair Inc specializes in top-quality screen repair services for your pool area. Our experienced professionals use the latest tools and techniques to repair, replace, and maintain screens for pools, patios, and lanais. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail, fast turnaround times, and exceptional customer service. Contact us today to keep your outdoor space free from unwanted pests and debris.

5 Surprising Benefits of Having a Pool Screen Enclosure That You Need to Know About

Are you considering adding a pool screen enclosure to your backyard oasis? If you haven’t yet made up your mind, we’ve got some surprising benefits that might just convince you. Feel free to check out this post about what a screen enclosure actually is.

Here are five reasons why having a pool screen enclosure is a wise investment:

  • Keep pests out: Mosquitoes, flies, and other pests can quickly turn a fun day at the pool into a nightmare. A pool screen enclosure lets you keep unwanted critters out and enjoy your pool in peace.
  • Reduce pool maintenance: Leaves, twigs, and other debris can easily find their way into your pool, creating extra work. A pool screen enclosure helps to keep the area around your pool clean, reducing the need for frequent skimming and vacuuming.
  • Protect your pool from the elements: Hail, wind, and heavy rain can cause damage to your pool and surrounding area. A pool screen enclosure provides an extra layer of protection against the elements, reducing the risk of costly repairs.
  • Increase your home’s value: A pool screen enclosure is a desirable feature for many homebuyers and can add value to your home when it comes time to sell.
  • Enjoy your pool year-round: In colder months, a pool screen enclosure can help to keep the heat in, allowing you to use your pool even when the weather is chilly.
  • But that’s not all. Pool screen enclosures also offer other benefits, such as providing a degree of privacy and adding an extra layer of security to your property.

When selecting a pool screen enclosure, be sure to choose a reputable contractor who can help you select the right design and materials for your specific needs. Feel free to contact Poolside Screen Repair for all your screen enclosure needs!

When it comes down to it, a pool screen enclosure is a wise investment that can provide various benefits for homeowners. From pest control to added home value, the advantages are clear. If you’re considering adding a pool screen enclosure to your backyard, don’t hesitate – it’s a decision you won’t regret.

What is a Pool Screen Enclosure? Benefits and Basics Explained

A pool screen enclosure, also known as a pool cage, is a structure that surrounds an outdoor swimming pool or patio area with a mesh screen. It typically consists of aluminum frames and mesh screening, designed to provide a barrier against insects, debris, and other unwanted elements while still allowing fresh air and sunlight to enter.

Pool screen enclosures come in various styles and sizes to fit any pool or patio area. They can be customized to match the design and layout of your home and can be designed to accommodate various types of outdoor furniture and accessories.

So why do people choose to install pool screen enclosures? There are several benefits to having one:

Insect and pest control:

The mesh screening on a pool screen enclosure is a barrier to keep mosquitoes, flies, and other insects out of your pool area. This can make your outdoor living space more comfortable and enjoyable.

Debris control:

A pool screen enclosure can help to keep leaves, dirt, and other debris out of your pool area, reducing the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance.

UV protection:

The mesh screening on a pool screen enclosure can protect against harmful UV rays from the sun, which can help reduce the risk of skin damage and other health issues.


Depending on the design of the pool screen enclosure, it can also provide some privacy for your outdoor living space, making it a more relaxing and peaceful environment.


A pool screen enclosure can be customized to match the design and style of your home, adding an attractive and cohesive look to your outdoor living space. Feel free to contact Poolside Screen Repair for all your screen enclosure needs! We provide top tier customization options to suite all your needs.

A pool screen enclosure can make your outdoor living space more comfortable, enjoyable, and functional. If you’re considering installing one, work with a reputable contractor to help you choose the right design and materials for your needs.

How to Replace a Pool Screen Panel

If you’ve broken the screen panel in your home cinema, you can easily replace it by following a few simple steps. First, you should remove the old screen by loosening the spline that secures it to the frame. You can carefully pull the old screen out of the frame if there are multiple splines. It may bunch up in some areas, but don’t worry; the procedure is simple. Contact Rich @ Poolside Screen Repair for all your screen repair needs.

After the screen is loose, you can carefully remove it from its frame by using a flat-blade screwdriver or needle-nose pliers. To fix the screen, follow the steps below. Alternatively, you can hire a professional pressure washer for about $100-250. The professional will use a diluted bleach solution that kills algae and mold. Small tears in the screen can be fixed by using a screen repair kit. Larger holes should be repaired by using a new screen panel. Be sure to use coated steel fasteners in order to avoid an aluminum reaction and keep the panel strong for at least 12 months.

Another common problem with screen panels is sagging. The edges are sagging, and the center is tearing. You can replace the entire panel and save money if the tear is in the center. Otherwise, you will have to replace the entire screen. This may seem like a daunting task, but you’ll end up saving money. In this case, you may want to consider hiring a professional to replace the screen.

The new screen is placed in the case after removing the old one. You should carefully place the new screen in the exact location where the old one was. You should then secure it with adhesive or tape. Once you’ve secured the new screen, test it to ensure the display works again. This process will take several minutes, and you’ll be glad you took the time to replace it. When you’re finished, be sure to reconnect the power cord.

Before you cut, measure the opening of the screen. Measure the length and width of the opening. Add two or three inches for allowance. Next, lay the new screen out flat on a flat surface. Cut it to size using a straight edge, such as a piece of lumber or yardstick. Then, roll it into the frame opening, leaving one or two inches of excess on each side. Replace the screen and try to match the new one’s color and pattern.

Once you’ve decided to replace the screen, buying tools and supplies is time. Depending on your screen type, you may need a screwdriver, a knife, a spline cutter, and a screen roller. If you’re unsure what tools you need, you can purchase a screen repair kit. These kits will contain the tools you need to replace the screen and save you time. Additionally, you can use items from your home to do the job.